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Life & ArtsOrientation

Educational Side-Gigs

While you may come into your freshman year with a carefully mapped-out plan of exactly which classes to take each semester, don’t forget...

Life & ArtsOrientation

Joining Up

If there’s one word that can be used to describe UTD, it’s diverse. There are over 300 registered student organizations on campus, in...

Life & ArtsOrientation

Lifelong Sisters

Joining Greek life – one of the several fraternities or sororities on campus – is one way for new students to make friends...

Life & ArtsOrientation

Artificer’s Dream

As you mosey your way onto campus, you might notice mechanical Starship marvels rolling down the road. Dubbed ‘Tobor’s by UTD students –...


ECS employee dead

This is a developing news story. The Mercury will update as more information from the University becomes available. A body recovered from Lago...


UTD research center to open in Richardson’s rebranded industrial district

UTD is collaborating with the city of Richardson to create a multi-faceted research institution inside the city’s newest development project: the Innovation District....


Esports experience can’t be defined by a single exam

The Esports Certification Institute (ECI) tried to make a $400 certification for esports, and it died within three days. While it could come...


UTD and UTSW partner in new research facilities

UT Southwestern Medical Center and UTD’s Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science have partnered together to create the Center for Imaging...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.