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Life & Arts

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) Review

With the roar of a chainsaw and rotting flesh dangling from the jowls of a killer, Leatherface returns with a vengeance – and...

Life & Arts

Conversation with the director, cast of new ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’

Warning major spoilers ahead. “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” (2022) follows its iconic 1974 predecessor in a blood-fueled extravaganza that will terrify (and delight) old...

Life & ArtsThe Fix

Communion Coffee

While travelling down Route 75, you might spot a sign for Communion Coffee on Exit 24. With both good food and ample working...

Life & Arts

Spending a day in the heartbeat of UTD

As the clock struck midnight on Friday, Feb. 11, I settled on a rock by the Memorial Pond with a simple sign: “Mercury...


Pub gaming renovation wishlist

Since UTD has just announced plans to convert the The Pub into a gaming lounge, I’d like to give the University a wish...


‘Sheets’ talks growing up in life and in death

With an inviting pastel color palette and soft art style, Brenna Thummler tells two intertwined coming-of-age stories that capture both middle school’s mucky...


New esports coach hired

After a stint being student-run following Greg Adler’s departure, the UTD esports team has hired on a new head coach for the program....


Poet speaks to UTD

In an honest, vulnerable and captivating virtual performance, Sabrina Benaim, one of the most viewed spoken word poets of all time, shared her...


Oh ResNet, RestNet, where art thou today?

On the first day of online classes for the spring 2022 semester, countless Teams calls dropped midstream as Apogee’s MyResNet wifi disconnected throughout...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.