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Off the beaten path

Hidden spots to discover around campus UTD has lots of hidden gems that don’t appear on maps. Check these spots out next time...


Finding direction

A compass for navigating a virtual class format, habits for success The Student Success Center has a wide set of resources for students...


Debate camp transitions online

Camp leadership navigates software to shift workshops to remote format Despite being miles apart, students discuss strategy in separate virtual rooms for one...


Sound on to press play

Why sound is more important than graphics to player experience What makes a video game go beyond average isn’t just what you see:...


Changes to JSOM community service requirement

Social entrepreneurship class moves online, alternatives offered on case-by-case basis JSOM has a community service requirement that requires students to either complete 100...

Campus NewsNews

Archer fellowship moves online

Students interning in Washington D.C. move back home, finish courses online The Archer fellowship is a program that gives UT System students an...

Campus NewsNews

Clubs adjust meetings, membership requirements to a virtual format

Student organization center helps groups transition online With the university closing for the rest of the 2019-2020 school year, many clubs and organizations...


UTD Students in National Guard deployed to combat COVID-19

Balancing school, military service during a global pandemic In response to the domestic spread of COVID-19, UTD students serving in the National Guard...


Social media virus

How to fight the spread of misinformation online COVID-19 can be cured by ingesting fish-tank cleaning products or flushing your system out with...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.