ATEC’s Animation Lab will be wrapping up production of a short film called “Nightshift” in December, a project over a year in the...
President Trump has nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court to fill the vacancy left by the late Justice Ginsberg; the...
UTD will serve as a polling station for both Dallas and Collin County in the upcoming general election. In preparation, volunteer deputy registrar...
Residents of the off-campus apartments at Northside have expressed concerns with facility maintenance, both before and after the pandemic. In a survey conducted...
Amidst a pressing nationwide need for a vaccine, a UTD student took it upon himself to participate in a two-year COVID-19 vaccine trial....
Who are the candidates and what are they known for? (Democrat) Joe Biden: Former VP under the Obama administration Served as the Senate...
Known for his contributions to theoretical physics and pure mathematics – as well as his interactions and collaborations with UTD professors – Roger...