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TIPA Adventures

This past weekend, UTD Student Media went to San Antonio for the second year in a row to attend the Texas Intercollegiate Press...

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‘A Rape On Campus’ as a lesson for student journalists, news consumers

As the UTD TV News Director, I spend a lot of time in the student media office reading other news publications, sitting in...

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These are a few of my favorite things (pens)

With the exception of one of my classes, I tend to subscribe to the age-old practice that handwriting notes is much better than...

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Dresses and Spring Weather

One of the most wonderful things about spring weather is that it’s dress weather. There’s just something about wearing a cute dress and...

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10 types of people you find at Starbucks

Coffee shops are the social hub of society. They’re a great meeting place for for a variety of people from old friends to...

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Back to the basics for Lent

One of the most obvious differences between UTD and Baylor, my alma mater, is that Baylor is a Baptist, private school while UTD...

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10 ways to spend the snow days

We’re moving into day two of school closings. I don’t know what y’all did today but from the perspective of a graduate student,...

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Coffee: good or bad?

“Drinking coffee could help protect your DNA from damage,” is the latest of several headlines that seem to make their way into my...

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Fourteen Eighteen offers perfect mix of good coffee, relaxation

So a couple weeks ago, I admitted that I’m a total coffee snob. The other thing I’m a complete sucker for is a...

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A neuroscience student’s reflection on TBIs, current research

In the wake of Sunday’s Super Bowl game featuring the New England Patriots versus the Seattle Seahawks (I was rooting for the Seahawks),...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.