10 ways to spend the snow days

We’re moving into day two of school closings. I don’t know what y’all did today but from the perspective of a graduate student, here are 10 things I spent today doing. Maybe if you’re bored tomorrow, this might give you some inspiration.

1. Read research papers.

2. Sleep.

3. Cook food. Realize my fridge doesn’t even have basics like eggs.

4. Clean my apartment.

5. Make Chemex brewed coffee.

6. Attempt to open my textbooks and get ahead for class.

7. Binge watch House of Cards.

8. Browse Pinterest. Do some online shopping.

9. Make a new Spotify playlist.

10. Write this post.

Really though, I have to give credit to UTD students. Most of the people I know are actually making productive use of their days off to catch up on classes or even to get ahead. Then again, other people are exploring campus in the snow and playing hockey, but hey I’d argue they’re the ones doing the snow days right.

What are you doing for your snow days? Tweet us @utdmercury or tag us on Instagram @utdmercury.

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