One of my best friends loves to travel. The first time she went to study abroad in Europe, she sent me a postcard...
With the exception of one of my classes, I tend to subscribe to the age-old practice that handwriting notes is much better than...
One of the most wonderful things about spring weather is that it’s dress weather. There’s just something about wearing a cute dress and...
Bright green, pink and purple lights shined behind the sign at CentralTrak, illuminating the sidewalk as self-portraits of two artists, one painted in...
Take a drive through Deep Ellum on any given weekend and you’ll likely hear local music echoing among the old buildings covered in...
Like some strange lovechild born from the charming slapdash style of Monty Python and the technical precision of a stop motion film, “Doom...
So a couple weeks ago, I admitted that I’m a total coffee snob. The other thing I’m a complete sucker for is a...
University email accounts are being moved from Zmail to Microsoft Office 365 to give users better accessibility, security and user experience. The Information...
Miss an event this week? The Mercury’s got you covered. In case you missed it: Sept. 23 – Back to the 80s Concert...
Muslims must stand for peace
Islam preaches tolerance, peace and understanding, and the voices that stand for these principles must be louder because there is simply too much...
By The UTD MercuryFebruary 24, 2015