Following the reveal of an animated Mario movie at the latest Nintendo Direct, widespread controversy over the cast and studio spread among fans...
If you ask around, you’ll find that UTD is brimming with students looking to pursue a career in medicine. However, it seems for...
Last week, there was a petition suggesting that UTD return to fully online learning for the semester. While that particular suggestion doesn’t...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 2021 Met Gala dress exemplifies how individuals use performative activism to gain social capital rather than actively promote change. Performative activism...
“Wandering Star” by Teri Sue Wood centers around Cassandra, a big deal space-war hero. But Wood’s visuals, themes and opening scene make it...
On March 30, 2020, UTD resumed classes after an extended spring break – and everything about being a college student instantly changed. From...
For those who prefer something with a bit more edge than a light-hearted story when venturing into a new genre or media, a...
“Pokémon is a game for adults and kids have no business playing it.” Does that statement seem bizarre to you? Not according to...
Our nation’s mortified exit from Afghanistan has wrenched open barely mended wounds; among its old conscripts, refugees and young veterans of war, there...
As the semester kicks off to a crowded “de-densified” start, we predictably see our phones notifying us every day of a new long...