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What happened to the piano outside of SU Green?

Has something felt odd about Student Union Green these past couple of months? That’s right – the piano is missing! The Director of...


UTD one step closer to banning single-use plastics

The Sustainability Committee’s Single-Use Plastic Ban Proposal passed the Academic Senate and Staff Council, making UTD one step closer to being the first...


UTD Rooms returns for student use

As students return to in-person classes once again, so does the UTD Rooms app. The app was developed by Mithil Viradia, who graduated...


Men’s basketball team defends homecourt on homecoming

The Comets, fresh off a Monday win against Concordia, continued their home stand in the homecoming game on Thursday, Feb. 10, facing off...


DART Update

After years of running the same paths, DART has redesigned its public transit offerings to improve access throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth region. UTD...


University holds forum on gaming lounge

The University has announced plans to convert the Pub into an esports/gaming lounge, hosting an open forum to collect student feedback. The project...


New esports coach hired

After a stint being student-run following Greg Adler’s departure, the UTD esports team has hired on a new head coach for the program....


Poet speaks to UTD

In an honest, vulnerable and captivating virtual performance, Sabrina Benaim, one of the most viewed spoken word poets of all time, shared her...


Oh ResNet, RestNet, where art thou today?

On the first day of online classes for the spring 2022 semester, countless Teams calls dropped midstream as Apogee’s MyResNet wifi disconnected throughout...


SGA meeting: 02/01

Esports Lounge Interest Forum: To accommodate UTD’s large gaming community, the Student Affairs Office and the Student Union are tentatively planning to expand...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.