College students search high and low for a job after graduating. Few find one so quickly and in an area they love. For...
“How to Train Your Dragon 2” could easily rest on its stunning visuals, but the film combines 3D with a touching story that...
Neon Trees electrifies at House of Blues Marcelo Yates Keeping the crowd out late on June 1, pop rock band Neon Trees performed...
Students explore, highlight unique individuals on campus with popular Facebook page ‘Humans of UTD’ A student-run Facebook page called “Humans of UTD” has...
EDITOR’S NOTE: In the graphic below, the number of assaults on campus in academic year 2013-2014 was incorrectly reported. The correct number is...
New assistant coach plans to push athletes toward championship After months of searching, head coach Kanute Drugan announced Sterling Mueller as the new...
Researchers join for annual Terrorism and Policy conference Leading researchers from around the world convened at UTD on May 22 and 23 for...
“How would you want a multimillion dollar donation to the campus to be used?” “The first thing would be to get grants and...
Post-apocalyptic flick offers cautionary tale
It’s 2031 and Earth’s sole survivors are struggling to maintain a social balance aboard Snowpiercer, a self-sustaining bullet train that must keep...
By The MercuryJuly 6, 2014