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Possible side effects include: misinformation

“Common side effects can include dizziness, fatigue, nausea, problems with memory and even death.” Statements like this are often attached to promotional ads...

Campus NewsNews

UTD alum allegedly participated in Capitol riot

UTD alumnus and former military officer Chris Grider currently awaits his trial under federal custody after his alleged participation in the Jan. 6...


02 01 21 Issue


Comics: 2/1/21

Life & Arts

Ask Sophie: how to avoid student burnout

As college students, we are fixated on individual productivity, and we often equate our self-worth with academic success. Yet, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic...

Life & Arts

Switching up degrees takes a major plan

With increased student interest in exploratory major advising, two people familiar with the process share their advice for students who are considering changing...

Life & Arts

Beefing up a student business

For business administration and marketing junior Johnathon Jones, his beef jerky business –  Jerky Jones – is more than just a side gig:...

Life & Arts

Minecraft, blind dates, a relationship app – oh my!

This spring, a Minecraft server, a virtual blind date project and an app dedicated to friendship-forming are just three of the newest ways...

Campus NewsNews

Testing Testing – for COVID-19

As North Texas sees more than 2,000 new cases of COVID-19 per day in the DFW metroplex, the results of UTD’s proactive testing...

Campus NewsNews

Springing into in-person events

UTD’s decision to relax restrictions on in-person gatherings this spring may influence some students’ choice to stay on campus. Vice President of Student...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.