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The info-demic: stopping the spread of false information

It goes without saying that COVID-19 has proven to be a public health nightmare. But it seems that something else is quickly gaining...


Not all Christians are equal

Going down the highway, some guy driving recklessly with a Jesus fish on his car cuts me off. A group of my Christian...


Periods need to be recognized. Period.

Ten percent of individuals who menstruate in college face a tough choice: do they buy a box of pads or their next meal?...

Life & Arts

Chalking up school spirit

Several individuals and organizations came together to decorate campus grounds with spirit-themed artwork, kicking off the second year of the UTD Chalk Art...


04 05 21 Issue


Ryan Short new president elect, Imaan Razak default VP after opponent leaves race

Ryan Short and Imaan Razak – running on the Reimagine SG ticket – were elected Student Government president and vice president, respectively, for...


Men’s cross-country team wins third consecutive ASC championship

UTD men’s cross-country team won their third consecutive ASC championship in early March, while the women’s team took second place. On March 13,...


Comets batter up after delayed season

Following several delays, the UTD baseball team’s spring season has begun in full. With a roster composed predominantly of younger players, the Comets...


Comets seize a regional win for Super Smash Bros

The Smash team took top seed in the national qualifying regional after a loser’s final versus UT Arlington and a grand final win...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.