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For the record: professors should record

While virtual classes can be exhausting or unengaging for many, class recordings allow students to re-watch lectures at their convenience rather than feel...


SG takeaway: April 13 Senate meeting recap

The Student Government meeting on April 13 involved resolutions such as promoting transgender rights on campus as well as providing students with free...


Where, how to register for a vaccine

As of March 29, all Texans above the age of 16 are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine for free, other than possible...


How to combat vaccine anxiety

While approximately 51% percent of U.S. adults have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, many who have received or are...


University phases in limited in-person events

The decline in COVID-19 cases and increase in vaccinations across Texas and on campus have prompted UTD to slowly reintroduce in-person events at...


Student EMTs give hands-on medical attention at vaccine sites

Student EMTs are providing medical assistance at the COVID-19 vaccine site on campus through the University Emergency Medical Response’s Community Health Initiative. UEMR...


Alexa, let’s chat

A UTD research team is a quarterfinalist in Amazon’s Alexa Prize Socialbot Grand Challenge 4 to teach the Alexa AI how to converse...


Number of people receiving meningitis vaccination declines over past year

Vaccinations for meningitis – a requirement for college students in the state of Texas – have decreased in the past year during COVID-19....


University offers postponed alternative for virtual graduation

By August 2021, five semesters’ worth of UTD graduates – about 15,000 students – will have finished college primarily in an online format,...


Students’ laptops must meet minimum university standards starting next fall

Following the success of an on-campus computer loaning program, incoming freshman who do not own a laptop that meets UTD’s new minimum standard...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.