Day: August 23, 2021


Vax for cash

Alongside several policy changes for the upcoming semester, UTD will be implementing two COVID-related programs to ensure student safety. One of those programs...


Town Hall Takeaways

Following a year of remote learning due to COVID-19, UTD is implementing changes across the University for Comets coming back to campus this...


Housing modifies testing requirements for students arriving from abroad

Due to rising COVID-19 cases, students arriving from an international destination and moving into campus housing will be subject to more stringent entry...


Best of 5 thoughts on esports

With the tentative return of in-person events, the esports scene has been eager to get back into offline tournaments and big LAN competitions....


Coach check-in: Kanute Drugan

Of all the sports disrupted by COVID last year, those on the fall schedule arguably got the short end of the stick. After...

Life & Arts

$5 for 5 hours

“Rusted Warfare” is one of the few real time strategies (RTS)’s that can be confidently played “head empty.” Its basic premise is as...

Life & Arts

Art Review: Ephemera(lity)

Reading the press release for Eli Ruhala and Tad Greenwald’s partner show, “Ephemera(lity),”a stark déjà vu set in. The purple descriptions of “transitory...

Life & Arts

“Hopefully I did help make a change”

For most freshmen at UTD, the beginning of their college journeys probably entails something like a road trip from halfway across the country,...


UTD Housing? More like UTD Homeless

UTD creates unnecessary housing dilemmas for students through inefficient communication and by determining and revealing their campus move-in dates way too late. My...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.