Fatimah Azeem


De-densification extended

After evaluating the state of COVID-19 in North Texas, UTD President Richard Benson has decided to extend classroom de-densification protocols to Sept. 24....


Meet your Student Government Judicial Board

Josh Babu | Neuroscience Junior (Not pictured) “Academic Affairs will be focused on making this new school year as accessible as possible so...


Emergency Relief Fund reupped

After a change in its primary funding mechanism, UTD’s Emergency Support Fund (ESF) is still available for students seeking financial assistance. Created during...


Town Hall Takeaways

Following a year of remote learning due to COVID-19, UTD is implementing changes across the University for Comets coming back to campus this...


University encourages masking

In response to a spike in COVID-19 Delta variant cases, UTD is encouraging Comets to wear masks indoors and in large gatherings, regardless...


New VP of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

After nearly a decade of service, Vice President for Diversity and Community Engagement George Fair will be replaced by a new Vice President...

Life & Arts

Student debt mural

ATEC senior Erin Bray kneels on the Texas Instruments Plaza pavement, etching a chalk outline of America onto the concrete while grabbing stacks...


New mask guidance

Following Governor Greg Abbott’s Executive Order GA-36, UTD and all other schools in the UT system will no longer require individuals on campus...


Heartbeat bill: heartless and fruitless

“Our Creator endowed us with the right to life, and yet millions of children lose their right to life every year because of...


Practice cyber hygiene with your vaccine card

As the number of Americans receiving COVID-19 vaccinations continues to climb, so is the number of people posting “vaccine selfies” on social media....


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.