De-densification extended

After evaluating the state of COVID-19 in North Texas, UTD President Richard Benson has decided to extend classroom de-densification protocols to Sept. 24.

The decision came with knowledge that positivity rates of both proactive testing and active cases are less than 1% of UTD’s population.

The de-densification measures themselves are unchanged with Benson’s extended timeline; that is, whatever method of de-densification professors implemented within the first three weeks of school will remain the same for an additional two weeks. Other COVID safety protocols enacted within the first weeks of school, such as required daily health screenings and proactive testing, will also continue with the extension.

“I hope we will return to the full classroom experience as soon as possible,” Benson said. “Please continue to follow the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which includes wearing masks, engaging in social distancing and practicing good hygiene, such as frequent hand-washing. These actions will help expedite our return to full classrooms.”