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4360 Articles25731 Comments

Underdog role where Comets best

The men’s basketball team is undefeated and with 12-0 in ASC play seems poised to hoist the ASC championship trophy. But, the team...

NewsTechnology and business

For those with vision loss, sunglasses featuring diamond-coated chip could partially restore sight

A world without blindness may sound like something out of a sci-fi novel, but thanks to the research of material science professor Orlando...

Opinion needs more coverage options

The new year loomed around the corner and so did the deadline to apply for healthcare insurance, which was extended to Dec. 31...

Campus NewsNews

Disabled after political violence, Zambian student fights for rights

Daniel Nsomekala sat in a wheel chair patiently waiting for the UTD 883 shuttle on a warm November morning. The bus arrived and...


Lessons from Mandela’s legacy

Working with opponents key to resolve polarized debates, enable changes It is funny how you always tend to remember where you were and...

NewsWeb Only

Worker death fuels protest against unsafe work conditions close to UTD

About two dozen demonstrators and observers met on a rainy, bitter cold Saturday on Nov. 23, at the construction site for State Farm...


Seniors reflect on women’s soccer season

The women’s soccer team had a tough loss in the American Southwest Conference tournament finals on Nov. 10, but some seniors still look...

Campus NewsNews

Alumnus: “I just feel helpless”

Marketing alumnus Benedict Bernadas has family in the Leyte province of the eastern Philippines where Super Typhoon Haiyan, known locally as Yolanda, hit...

CultureLife & Arts

Heritage month draws mixed views

Efforts to honor Native American culture met with some skepticism Storyteller Amy Bruton-Bluemel sported her deep-red Chickasaw regalia as she spoke about the...

Letters to the EditorOpinion

Green campus in reach, if only sprinklers reached green grass

CLARISSA POLLACK Art and performance senior | 0 comments The rainy weather of late has helped our area out of drought. Fields are greener than they’ve...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.