Heartwarming and genuinely joyful, “Heartstopper” season 2 seemingly brings the graphic novel characters straight off the page and onto the screen. Enriched with...
Long gone are the days of Blockbuster and in came the era of Netflix and Hulu. As these streaming giants quickly began dominating...
Comedic, satirical and visually stunning, the “Barbie” movie is one of the most anticipated films of the summer. But don’t drive straight to...
“Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)” is an emotionally expansive album that builds on the timeless original’s topics of heartbreak and growing up to deliver...
“Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” delivered a visually stunning, musically intriguing film that left audiences begging for more screentime with beloved characters, both old...
June marks an important month in the year as it encompasses Pride Month and Juneteenth, both important events that celebrate freedom in different...
Caffeine is a quintessential part of the college experience, and finding a spot you enjoy is just as important. Whether you visit during...
Navigating dining options can be tiring — even when you’re required to have a meal plan as a freshman living on campus, finding...
Cheaper, faster and tastier, Dutch Bros has become my new go-to coffee spot near campus. Dutch Bros is a drive-thru coffee chain that...
The Eras Tour has been the talk of the internet ever since its announcement, and Taylor Swift’s pitstop in Arlington, TX for the...