Tyler Burkhardt


Vax for cash

Alongside several policy changes for the upcoming semester, UTD will be implementing two COVID-related programs to ensure student safety. One of those programs...


Coach check-in: Kanute Drugan

Of all the sports disrupted by COVID last year, those on the fall schedule arguably got the short end of the stick. After...


Easing into intramurals

As Comets return to the reality of in-person schooling, a plethora of other opportunities present themselves – including the potential for in-person sports....


Update: Housing’s COVID protocols

UTD’s proactive testing and isolation programs will continue this fall, but on a reduced scale, as the University plans to rely on vaccinations...


Comet baseball’s best-ever season!

Returning from a season prematurely canceled by COVID-19 with a vengeance, the 2021 UTD Baseball team put together their best season in 20...


A comma-n misunderstanding

I’d like to begin by thanking The Mercury’s most dedicated readers, Babe Ruth and President Biden. If you’re wondering why Babe Ruth and...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.