

Unpredictive Policing

Why Dallas PD’s data-driven initiative promotes racial biases Dallas police chief Renee Hall recently announced the city’s answer to New York’s infamous stop...


More (super)power to You

Why ‘Birds of Prey’ revolutionizes the female superhero “Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)” received an audience and...


Ready Player One

Single-player games are becoming an endangered species The last decade has arguably been marked by the explosion of online gaming among gamers. With...


Big Comet is Watching You

Why surveillance technology on college campuses is counterproductive Imagine if UTD administrators tracked your every move while on campus. From collecting your location...


Exercise HIITS the Spot

Short workouts are key to a healthy college lifestyle Between going to class, completing assignments and participating in clubs, college students have a...

Letters to the EditorOpinion

Letter to the Editor: On-Campus Housing is Purpose-built

In the Jan. 27 issue of The Mercury, Ellis Blake Hidalgo wrote an article about apartment construction at Northside, the goal of which...


Over What Weight? Debunking the Body Mass Index

“The FitnessGram pacer test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues…”      Now considered a meme, the...


Food for Late-night Thoughts

Campus nightlife can be improved by longer restaurant hours A couple of weeks ago, I was dropped back to my dorm a little...


Socialism: Critiqued

Chances are you have running water, clean clothes, a phone and plans for a decent lunch. By the standards of the first 95%...


Socialism: Supported

Throughout the span of world history, we have both observed and learned from the rise and ultimate demise of global powers that once...


Email us at editor@utdmercury.com with your name, major, year, and area of interest.

The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.