

Mercury story did disservice to veterans

Story, image draws criticism from subject of brain health piece I agreed to share my personal story with The Mercury to raise awareness...


Women’s basketball must play stout defense to advance in NCAA tourney

The women’s basketball team has had an excellent season so far, but it will have to continue its hot streak of stout defense...


…and the men’s issue?

In recognition of Women’s History Month, The Mercury set out to celebrate the best way its staff knows how: by telling stories. Throughout...


Muslims must stand for peace

Islam preaches tolerance, peace and understanding, and the voices that stand for these principles must be louder because there is simply too much...


Selfish students steal show

Peers have been condemning UTD students for their behavior at Kenan Thompson’s performance on campus, and rightfully so. On March 20, more than...


404 Page Not Found: University erases Ulbricht

The University of Texas at Dallas is attempting to shove Ross Ulbricht down the memory hole. Official university pages that reference the accused...


$1,000 rebate, easy money for needy seniors

At the end of July, AffordableCollegesOnline.org published a study revealing the colleges in Texas that provide the best return on investment. UTD placed fifth out...


UTD must aim high, yet forge unique identity

For several years, administrators, student leaders and others have made sure that UTD’s excellence is known by dubbing it the “MIT of the...


Students should take pride in UTD

[quote text_size=”medium” author=”Joseph Manusco”] Ask nearly any student you meet and they would happily rant endlessly about the shortcomings of the university…other than...


Hits, misses as the semester begins

Campus comes back to life during the fall after a slow summer semester, and this year the sense of heightened activity is compounded...


Email us at editor@utdmercury.com with your name, major, year, and area of interest.

The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.