In his latest feature effort Director Denis Villeneuve helms “Arrival,” based on Ted Chiang’s science fiction short story “Story of Your Life.” “Arrival”...
“Dishonored 2” is a first-person, action-adventure game with a focus on stealth. The player must reclaim the royal throne after it was lost...
As students head to the McDermott Library in droves to prepare for upcoming finals, Loreen Henry, a senior librarian, is one of the...
Once every two weeks, those on the Plinth witness a performance by a group of dancers linked at the elbows. For the dancers,...
“Moonlight” premiered at Telluride Film Festival as an indie stand-out, but soon became the most well-received film of the year. Mild spoilers ahead....
The world’s most played video game, “League of Legends,” shapes the UTD gaming community more than any other game. The leaders of the...
Singing, off-color humor and puppets all came together to communicate important life lessons in UTD’s production of “Avenue Q.” “Avenue Q” is a...
Game Corner: Shadow Warrior 2 Review
“Shadow Warrior 2” is a first-person shooter game where players take control of a mighty ninja that spews carefree one-liners while fighting off...
By The MercuryNovember 1, 2016