With uninspired scares and lackluster directing by Stiles White, “Ouija” is a completely forgettable foray into the horror-film genre. Hasbro is taking a...
“The Book of Life” takes viewers on a spiritual journey through three visually astounding worlds to spread a message of self-determination for young...
“Tusk” seeks to answer the question of what sets humans apart from animals in an unusual way. Its talented cast brings a refreshing...
Horror film features one-note characters trekking through Parisian catacombs While it’s a good commercial for the Paris catacombs, “As Above/So Below” is ultimately...
Moss, Duplass keep “The One I Love” real A romantic comedy disguised as a dramatic indie film in science fiction wrapping, the genre-crossing...
Stunning monochrome visuals fail to supersede shallow female roles, lack of novelty in ‘A Dame to Kill For’ If presented as a shameless...
James Brown, the godfather of soul, gets the biopic treatment in “Get On Up.” It won’t disappoint. The film goes against the classic...
SPOILER ALERT Scarlett Johansson escapes from the Marvel universe and gets to play her own superhero in “Lucy.” Unfortunately, the result is unintentionally...
“The Purge: Anarchy” is a surprising step forward in the franchise but only because the first one was so poor. James DeMonaco returns...
‘Dumb’ doesn’t live up to original lowbrow classic
The sequel to the Farrelly brothers’ classic comedy “Dumb and Dumber” is an almost carbon copy of the original film. However, “Dumb and...
By The UTD MercuryNovember 17, 2014