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Beginning of the end: Advice from a senior in his final collegiate year

I guess this is it. Almost two decades of academia culminates as I am a couple semesters and a few more credits away...


Common cents: Money tips from a finance prof

Welcome freshmen and returning students! I’m pleased to announce the addition of “Common Cents,” a column devoted to personal finance, for the readers...

ArchivesNewsPolice Blotter

UTD Police Scanner

July 25 • A student reported his vehicle had been burglarized. July 26 • UTD Police received a report of unwanted physical contact....


Conference Center renamed

As of mid-August the Conference Center has been officially renamed the Alexander Clark Center. The change is in response to a decision made...

ArchivesSG Report

SG Report

The following is a breakdown of key topics raised at the Aug. 16 Student Government, or SG, meeting. Full minutes of meetings can...

ArchivesCampus NewsNews

New ATEC complex coming

This fall Arts & Technology students will file into one of the five classrooms available to them from sunrise until after sunset; but,...

ArchivesCampus NewsNews

Parking changes at SOM

Lot J, located near the Activity Center, lost more than 25 parking spaces when it was repainted on August 10, according to information...

ArchivesCampus NewsNews

Overcrowded housing: Temp housing requests at all-time high

Two major international student organizations are struggling to handle a 33 percent increase in temporary housing requests from new students this fall, resulting...

ArchivesCampus NewsNews

Student enrollment continues to climb

UTD is poised to break yet another student enrollment record. There will be about 18,400 students enrolled at UTD in fall 2011, according...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.