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July 2014 Event Recap

July 11 A Night at the Art Barn (last set in gallery) July 13 World Cup Final Watching Party July 20 Concert Under...

CommentaryLife & Arts

Star performance keeps James Brown biopic afloat

James Brown, the godfather of soul, gets the biopic treatment in “Get On Up.” It won’t disappoint. The film goes against the classic...

Life & Arts

Miyazaki 101

Anime aficionados, professors to speak at Forth Worth film series focused on Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki Acclaimed animator Hayao Miyazaki’s films will be...

Campus NewsNews

Drug study links memory to weed

Results of a study focusing on the effects of marijuana use on the brain found that the areas of the brain that control...

Campus NewsNews

Pinpointing Dallas poverty

Drive-by survey from the Institute of Urban Policy Research shows economic disparity between North, South Dallas neighborhoods While UTD is well-known for its...

Campus NewsNews

Trapped in Gaza

Student witnesses terror in Gaza Strip as Israeli strikes escalate; student group seeks to help Palestinians from home What should have been a...

Campus NewsNews

Bilingual program stresses parent, child relationship

The early years of a child’s life are some of the most important for development as the child learns how to socialize and...

Campus NewsNews

Engineers design fuel-efficient car

A team of mechanical engineering students is working to design and build a vehicle that could potentially run on 900 miles per gallon....

Comet Comments

“If money wasn’t a determinant, what would be your career choice?”

  “I’d be a professional soccer player for Arsenal.” Ridwan Raji Finance and accounting senior             “To be...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.