The life of an unborn person cannot reasonably supersede the rights of those carrying them. Blanket abortion restrictions like the Abolition of Abortion...
In a recent Smash tournament, UTD’s “Super Smash Bros.” teams beat out some of the best esports teams in Texas before competing against...
Following the ASC’s announcement to postpone fall 2020 sports to spring, UTD also announced its intent to resume sports next semester. Shortly after...
A warm welcome from their sorority sisters used to feel close and personal. Now, new recruits are welcomed to the sisterhood ten feet...
A pharmaceutical company used a research study from UTD for affirming its potential treatment for COVID-19 recovery. COVID-19 causes inflammation in the lungs....
On-campus housing for the fall semester will experience a new series of safety restrictions meant to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Already in...
A UTD student started an online petition criticizing the university for charging distance learning fees for certain courses in JSOM. Business analytics graduate...
According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, 59.9% of students in 2015 reported taking a gap year before starting medical school. Students...
Q: What are the ways I can help a friend who is having an anxiety/panic attack? -B Given that nearly 18% of Americans...