“Ghost in the Shell,” directed by Rupert Sanders and written by Jamie Moss, William Wheeler and Ehren Kruger, turns a successful manga and...
Delish Bubble Tea had its long-awaited grand opening at the Northside location. Overall, I thought the store itself was quite satisfactory in terms...
For the past ten years, Peter Walker has devoted his time and energy into expanding and beautifying the UTD campus, winning multiple awards...
The UTD Theatre premiered a play on April 6 written and produced by a professor in the Arts and Humanities department. “Alhambra,” written...
When Lee Price was in middle school, his uncle gave him and his brother an old unicycle. He didn’t immediately pick up unicycling...
Four students who lost their lives during the past year were commemorated during the Comets Remember ceremony sponsored by Student Government on April...
A noticeable difference in chlorine levels in the water around campus is the direct result of routine annual water maintenance by The North...
Mansionz disappoints with debut
Mansionz is a collaborative duo composed of Mike Posner and Blackbear. Their debut album, also titled “mansionz,” explores themes of love, non-conformity and...
By The MercuryApril 11, 2017