In an attempt to present an accurate representation of how student fees are allocated to various organizations, The Mercury hoped to publish fee...
Despite budget cuts and tuition increases, student fee funded organizations and events such as SUAAB and campus events has increased in the past...
‘Hobbit’ unimpressive, while ‘Les Mis’ performers shine With the Oscars just around the corner, everyone is talking about the nominees and their chances...
UTD’s first food pantry, the Comet Cupboard, has seen significant growth since opening last October and looks to play an even larger role...
For being chief of police, Larry Zacharias is friendlier than some would imagine. Well aware of this, Zacharias took charge of setting an...
Pre-med and pre-dental students have the opportunity to attend the six-week Summer Medical and Dental Education Program, application and program free of charge,...
The Mercury editors took a look back at some of the most significant campus events during the past year and have shared their...
The UTD Police Department received the 2012 All-Star Award for its participation in the 29th Annual Nation Night Out on Oct 2. National...
Grandmaster Julio Sadorra sat across the board from Webster University’s Fidel Corrales of Cuba in the Frick Laboratory at Princeton University waiting to...