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Miguel Perez


…and the men’s issue?

In recognition of Women’s History Month, The Mercury set out to celebrate the best way its staff knows how: by telling stories. Throughout...

ArchivesLife & Arts

Doom McCoy And The Death Nugget at University Theatre

Like some strange lovechild born from the charming slapdash style of Monty Python and the technical precision of a stop motion film, “Doom...



’90s Music Across 1. Suspicious robots 5. Chilli, TBoz and ____ 7. Desert Haven 8. Impartial Dairy 10. Roswell Theme Song 13. Step...


Guess Who?

CommentaryLife & Arts

What’s coming up in 2015

         B4.DA.$$           JOEY BADA$$           JAN. 20           New...

Life & Arts

Local film highlights mystery surrounding human trafficking

Amber Stevens was just a normal girl who, like many teens, would sneak out of her parent’s house to find a good party....

Campus NewsNews

Road construction starts

UTD, Richardson begin expanding Loop Road, plan to finish by 2016 The city of Richardson, in partnership with the university, has started expanding...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.