Fresh off a homecoming loss against East Texas Baptist, the Comets faced defeat at the hands of the Tigers at the semifinals, ending...
The rise of artificial intelligence is sparking discussion between educators about how to proceed in the classroom — work with AI or against...
The Mercury sat down with Student Government (SG) President Kruthi Kanduri and Vice President Margaret Belford to discuss progress on their campaign promises...
Racing toward the ASC Championship Tournament, the Comets dominated McMurry’s War Hawks on Feb. 6 at one of the final home games of...
When molecular biology senior Kevin Juarez mistakenly walked into the Center for Students in Recovery, they were expecting to turn around, close the...
With all the facilities we have on campus, there is no excuse for littering. Comets need to take proper trash disposal more seriously....
The Sustainability Committee’s Single-Use Plastic Ban Proposal has made it all the way to the office of the President. If President Richard Benson...
UTD student runs charity event to help clothe the homeless population of Houston. Dylan Miles, a junior majoring in business marketing, is running...
Comets voted in favor of a new Student Union and narrowly voted down an increased athletics fee in the recent fee referendum polls....
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke detailed his plans for potential governorship at a packed rally of over a thousand students last Friday. The...