Game consoles, TV screens installed to enable student gamers to socialize Citing a surge of interest in esports along with the creation of...
Server initially designed for student gamers expands scope to encompass all aspects of student lif Editor’s Note: This story has been updated to...
Incident that led to outcry resulted from miscommunication, university officials say. Students launched an online petition last week criticizing an alleged decision by...
Survey suggests most students across different programs have positive experiences with academic advisors. A quick search of the UTD’s Reddit page will yield...
Editor’s Note: President Richard Benson issued a statement at 4:49 p.m. CST on Dec. 12 through the university’s Facebook and Twitter channels about...
Say the word “parking” to any college student and you will almost inevitably be met with pained expressions, exasperated groans and more than...
The Office of Parking and Transportation, responsible for the sale and pricing of parking permits, has a budget that students and faculty members...
University officials made a request to relocate the Office of Student AccessAbility from the third floor of the Student Services Building. Gene Fitch,...
Two students discovered a makeshift shrine to actor Steve Buscemi, best known for his roles in “Fargo” and “Reservoir Dogs,” under a stairwell...
This weekend, we traveled down to the campus dorms to whip up a little something for ourselves to try — pakoras and chai....