Motivated by student feedback regarding widespread issues with the old online application, Residential Life has overhauled its process to account for the high...
In its first official partnership with a college campus, Booster Fuels offers students and staff alike with a unique service. Booster Fuels’ staff...
Despite the benefits of learning a new language, UTD students do not have the option of majoring or minoring in a foreign language....
This story has been corrected since its original publication. Eating at Dining Hall West has not been a positive experience for every student,...
A research lab on campus will conduct the first state-wide needs assessment of the LGBT community to provide sampling data for the state...
John George, a Garland native who worked in the UTD print and copy services for 21 years, passed away at 39 on Jan....
A 15-year-old boy roams the streets of a new country. His future looks hopeful, considering he just fled his home in Vietnam after...
Female engineering students will have an opportunity to gain valuable industry experience through a mentorship club founded by a UTD student. Jeanie Aird,...
Texas Republican Sen. Lois Kolkhorst and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick have unveiled a “bathroom bill” in the Texas Legislature which forces individuals to...