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Zipcar caters to car-less students

When it came to parking this summer, I was spoiled rotten. My “mornings” consisted of me waking at the crack of noon and...

In BriefNews

Comet Cruiser offering expanded

Students can now enjoy an expanded Comet Cruiser service on DART Route 883.  A third shuttle was added to the route Aug. 29...

In BriefNews

Students settle into new Res Hall

As UTD welcomes freshmen into its newest residence hall, planning has already begun for Residence Hall Three.  The upcoming hall is expected to...

NewsSG Report

UT Police Scanner

Aug. 16 • A parent of a student was arrested for Fleeing or Attempting to Elude a Police Officer. Aug. 20 • A...

Campus NewsNews

Prof challenges students to go paper, not plastic

Cash is cool again. We live in an age of instant gratification. We can get almost anything we want with a click of...

Campus NewsNews

Dining Hall earns near-‘excellent’ rating

Students may feel more comfortable eating at UTD’s Dining Hall now that its health rating is two points away from “excellent.” The hall...


Tweets #thingsthatlastforever

Site revives social media postings The perception of the Internet as some innocuous pastime where all transgressions are forgiven with a click of...

Campus NewsNews

Surviving the sizzle: University copes with record heat

Record-breaking temperatures in Texas this summer have significantly raised electricity and water demand, but UTD officials say the university has been working hard...

Campus NewsNews

Novak named Nat Sci dean

UTD will welcome the new dean of Natural Sciences on Sept. 19. Bruce Novak, a highly noted chemist, veteran and acclaimed educator hailing...

Campus NewsNews

UTD faces ‘growing pains’: Parking, dining struggle to keep up

A significant spike in enrollment this fall has transformed the campus into a hub of student activity but has also created a slew...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.