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CommentaryLife & Arts

What’s coming up in 2015

         B4.DA.$$           JOEY BADA$$           JAN. 20           New...

CommentaryLife & Arts


  As a college student and as a journalist, I consume entirely too many calories drinking coffee and tea. I love drinking coffee...

CommentaryLife & Arts

Aussie actress shines in time travel drama

“Predestination” offers standard plot but emotional performances Time travel in films is always a tricky ordeal. Unlike most sci-fi fare, these movies often...

Life & Arts

Local film highlights mystery surrounding human trafficking

Amber Stevens was just a normal girl who, like many teens, would sneak out of her parent’s house to find a good party....

Campus NewsNews

Studying with a purpose

Behavioral brain sciences professor breaks down the science, study methods that make students most successful With a new year, comes a new semester...


Internet fame, celebrity important for culture

The prospect of making money on the Internet has been around since it first became public domain, but only in the past decade...


Student apathy to blame for drab campus

Reading the UTD Confessions 3.0 Facebook page, many of the posts about the university are unmistakably negative. Bashing the university occurs not only...

NewsPolice Blotter

UTDPD Blotter

Dec. 14 • A staff member reported finding grafitti inside a restroom in the Founders Building around 1 p.m. Dec. 16 • A...

Campus NewsNews

Road construction starts

UTD, Richardson begin expanding Loop Road, plan to finish by 2016 The city of Richardson, in partnership with the university, has started expanding...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.