Editor’s note: This article has been updated since its original publication. President Benson recently approved the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), which brings the...
“Wonder Woman,” the first female-led movie to be released during the current renaissance of superhero movies, produced higher success with critics than the...
The Texas legislature passed Senate Bill 4 after a prolonged debate. Gov. Greg Abbott has finally accomplished his goal of ridding Texas of...
An audiovisual exhibition, “dreamSpace,” was performed as part of Dallas’ annual Soluna Festival outside the Meyerson Symphony Center. It was the brainchild of...
“Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales” is the fifth movie in the “Pirates of the Caribbean” series. Most of the...
Electrical engineering professors at UTD run a nonprofit tutoring program called IntelliChoice seeking to help underprivileged kids get ahead in school. Gil Sik...
A team at UTD will develop an application allowing students to practice interviewing medical patients through augmented reality. The concept won the U.S....
A little boy stares into the face of his grandma. She smiles wide, the wrinkles outlining her mouth bowing in further. In the...
After the initial announcement in January, UTD is now officially a tobacco-free campus. Calvin Jamison, vice president of administration, said before the policy’s...
After conducting a study on attitudes towards Muslim students on campus, an alumna found evidence that the majority of UTD students view Muslims...