UTD administrators and architects recently revealed upcoming construction and campus improvement projects in a series of town hall meetings. Known as the Master...
The new Engineering and Computer Science West building opened its doors at the beginning of the semester, but not all areas of the...
In an effort to curb the uniform nature of street and directional signs, one UTD graduate has been posting a series of humorous...
Editor’s Note: The name of Brian was changed to protect his identity. Brian remembered waking up with the side of his head pulsing....
Jax Schmisseur struggles with anxiety and relies on his emotional support animal to calm him during his panic attacks. During his freshman year,...
A study conducted by The Mercury revealed that the Starbucks franchise in the Student Union has longer average wait times compared to off-campus...
Editor’s Note: A previous version of this article stated that UTD PD was possibly in violation of the Clery Act. After further investigation, it...
Operating revenues are revenues that are actively earned, such as tuition and fees. Non-operating revenues, on the other hand, refer to income that...
Dallas County just became one of few in the nation to convict and sentence a police officer for murder after an on-duty shooting....
Implementing a football program at UTD will improve the social scene on campus. With the college football season fast approaching, it’s more glaring...