As everyone knows, Instagram is taking over how brands promote their image to consumers, how people market themselves, and how people feed their interests and hobbies. As a result, there has been a noticeable boom within the foodie community on instagram as restaurants use it as a way to give people a behind the scenes look at the kitchens and for food lovers, both pros and newbies alike, to share their pretty plates.
Admittedly a lot of the accounts I follow are food-related in some way. I somehow got it down to about five that I believe could earn your following. I left off restaurants and instead focused on unaffiliated accounts, listed below in no particular order.
1. @dallas_foodie: Recognized on multiple best Dallas food instagram accounts, food critic Danielle G. is not only great about keeping reviews honest but in finding ways to include her followers, whether it’s a food tour at the State Fair or brunch. She can’t do it alone of course, so a team of three additional contributors help to keep the pics coming. She should definitely be on your following list.

@dallas_foodie Instagram
2. @four_dallasfoodies: Now this one gets bonus points as it’s run by four UTD students with a knack for searching out delicious eats. They may not post often, but they include a wide variety of cuisines that makes this stand out.
3. @dallasfoodnerd: What makes DallasFoodNerd stand out is how prolific they are. Due to a community contribution style, there’s at least one or two beautiful posts a day, covering a lot of ground around the DFW area. They aren’t strictly about eating out, including at home cooking and recipes and covering food events and developments in food technology. If you’re going to pick one to follow, follow this one for an all-in-one approach.
4. @feedmedallas: Another one that has slowed down lately, FeedMeDallas may not be the best for up-to-date restaurant news but if you’re hungry in class, nothing will make it worse than a quick perusal of their 1,500+ photo account. A combination of high-quality photos and both local and far out foods will keep you coming back for more.
5. @bestfooddallas: I’ve got mixed feelings about this account, but the sheer variety and stream of pictures have kept them on my list to follow. The main downside is that they are promoting an app the whole time, which gets annoying. If you can get past that, you’ll be just fine.