Students say new facility worth noise, dust

Students lifting weights and shooting three-pointers aren’t the only activities occuring these days at the UTD Activity Center. Outside, construction has begun on the $3 million renovation and expansion project.

“Completion is right on schedule and is going to be just before graduation in the spring,” UTD Athletic Director Chris Gage said.

Once finished, the new facility will boast new aerobics and dance rooms, and the weight room will be double its current size.

“It’ll be a very attractive facility for the general student who uses the weight room,” Gage said.

Cara Looney, a senior chemistry major, said the bigger weight room will reduce the time she has to wait to use the running machines.

“With the growing population of UTD we need room for more and newer equipment,” Looney said.

Senior finance major Jorge Campos said he isn’t bothered by the noise or inconvenience of the construction, because ultimately, it is for the students’ benefit.

“It’s going to be a larger facility, so I think we have to put up with the construction,” he said.

Mo Hashem, senior biology major, said the bigger facility will make UTD look better to prospective students.

For UTD’s varsity athletes and coaches, the renovated Activity Center will include new offices and dressing rooms for each team.

Gage said the expansion – approved by the students and funded through student fees – is a necessity and may not be the last of its kind.

“I think when you look at the growth of programs and the student body, it would not surprise me that at some point in time, another renovation or addition may be needed,” he said.

Gage believes, however, for the time being the new Activity Center should provide the newest and best facilities and equipment.

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