Following a year in which a third of the UT System’s undergraduate campus police chiefs departed under scrutiny, Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa directed a...
Limited time and Webmaster turnover can make it difficult for student organizations to maintain a website and promote themselves successfully, said Jeff Harrington,...
The following is a breakdown of key topics raised at the Aug. 18 Student Government (SG) meeting. Full minutes of meetings can be...
Chief, 4 police employees investigated Following an investigation into the UTD Police Department, the police chief resigned in May and four UTD police...
Sharing rides, goals with new-found brothers Out of respect for fair recruitment, I have omitted my fraternity’s name from this column. I encourage...
Letter to the Editor My dearest colleagues and friends, It is such an honor to get an opportunity to draft a farewell. It...
From the editor’s desk I’d watched the recent health care town hall shenanigans with little interest, annoyed with the amount of attention the...
Few students have the luxury of considering full time enrollment with a full-time job. Most juggle work, family and study, meaning planning is...
Information Resources said an Aug. 8 processing error may have exposed students’ directory information, class schedules and charges for the upcoming semester. The...