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4360 Articles28179 Comments

Silk Road trial holds ramifications for future of Internet

Whether people realize it or not, the Internet may change forever because of one court case taking place right now. Ross Ulbricht, a...


Intolerance against Islam not acceptable

Picketers denigrating religious beliefs at Muslim community event in Garland shed light on larger issue of Islamophobia Protestors from across the country picketed...


Blood donations drop in January

Cold weather, holiday season make early part of year difficult to collect blood; student orgs assist in blood drives The month of January...

Campus NewsNews

ATEC split from A&H planned for fall’15

UTD President David Daniel proposes new School of Arts, Technology and Emerging Communication The Arts and Technology and Emerging Media and Communication programs...

NewsPolice Blotter

UTDPD Blotter

Jan. 13 • A student reported that his bicycle was taken from the bike rack outside of the Science Learning Center between Dec....

Campus NewsNews

SG requests higher Pub alcohol limit

Policy includes modified four-drink maximum, allows for BYOB tailgates by student organizations Student Government is working on a new alcohol policy that could modify...

CommentaryLife & Arts

Superhero attraction in Fair Park will delight children, adults alike

Heroes and villains run amok at The Marvel Experience, an immersive, hyper reality attraction held at Fair Park through Jan. 31. The best...


Like father, like daughter

Head women’s basketball coach inspired by father’s coaching career, seeks his insight as her assistant coach Head women’s basketball coach Polly Thomason faced...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.