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We need to end climate change to mitigate future disasters

As the waters recede from Houston, we have some time to step back and take a look at the damage done. The BBC...


Freshman cricketer gains int’l experience

When he was only 17 years old, one of the UTD cricket team’s newest members received an invitation to try out for the...


New head athletic trainer takes over

The UTD athletic training department has a new head of staff. Head athletic trainer Josh Dreher joined the team in August following a...


Fresh faces

The UTD women’s soccer team is focusing on the significance of player development this season with a squad that includes 17 freshmen. With...

Life & Arts

Group revs up for new year

On the way to downtown Dallas on a regular night, a student might see a large group of young motorcycle riders. These motorcyclists...

Editor's PicksEditorialsOpinion

Editorial Board: As a community, we should address domestic violence

The deadliest mass shooting in Plano’s history, claiming the lives of five alumni, was a direct result of domestic violence. The Mercury stands...

Editor's PicksLife & Arts

Lab develops exoskeleton tech

A lab on campus is developing exoskeleton technology intended to help rehabilitate individuals who have experienced a stroke. The Locomotor Control Systems lab...

Editor's PicksLife & Arts

Q&A: Student Government Leadership

Representing the student body for the 2017-2018 school year, President JW Van Der Schans and Vice President Alex Holcomb sat down to talk...

Life & Arts

Student releases debut album

A UTD student recently released his own album, “Girlfriends,” online after a year and a half of development. Before putting this record together,...

Life & Arts

Alumnus develops new game

Disappointed that none of his games made the “Top 10 Arduboy Games” YouTube video he was watching, alumnus Jonathan Holmes set out to...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.