Shreya Ravi

Life & Arts

Unicycle club wheels into the spotlight

Juggling life and school can be difficult for college students, but the UTD Unicycle Club members balance it all atop their single wheel....

Life & Arts

What’s all the buzz about UTD’s beehives?

Amid violet, pink and blue flowers, an apiary sits nestled in a strange place — directly next to Parking Lot A. This apiary...


Battle of the bots

The UT Designspace where Comet Robotics meets looks like a scene out of Big Hero Six, with people tinkering away at robots of...


Eclipse covers campus

All Photos by Surjaditya Sarkar, Shreya Ravi | Mercury Staff


UTD’s secret weapon: Rahul Peddi

Finance and economics junior Rahul Peddi has bided his time, slowly climbing the charts in independent tournaments to become the chess team’s unexpected...


A buzz for sustainability

Amid the festive atmosphere of Valentine’s Day, the Student Union Market turned into a hive of activity for the much-anticipated annual Comet Honey...


What’s that orange pod in the Student Union?

The Office for Campus Resources and Support introduced a LilyPad lactation pod to the Student Union’s first floor in the beginning of the...

Life & Arts

A whole new world of flavors with a side of service woes at Aladdin Café

Aladdin Cafe’s warm and inviting atmosphere begins at its front door, with staff welcoming you as you enter, and is only enhanced by...

Life & Arts

The Slants share history fighting for free expression

Simon Tam and Joe Jiang shared an evening of music and passion with Comets on Feb. 2. They were invited on campus by...


Austin Page turns a new page

After taking the fall semester off from basketball, sophomore center Austin Page leaped back onto the court swiftly bringing hot shooting and a...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.