A buzz for sustainability

Shreya Ravi | Mercury Staff

Amid the festive atmosphere of Valentine’s Day, the Student Union Market turned into a hive of activity for the much-anticipated annual Comet Honey Sale. Student volunteers and representatives from UTD’s Bee Campus USA collaborated to present Comet honey, gathered by students’ hands for the enjoyment of their peers.

This student-driven initiative is hosted by the Office of Sustainability and generally occurs once or twice a year, dependent on the honey production of campus apiaries. The Comet Honey sells for $5 a bottle, and in the past, funds have gone toward tools, including a solar wax melter, that can further promote sustainability and reuse. From STEM majors studying biology to JSOM students exploring marketing strategies, the organization offers a space for all students to come together and contribute their unique insights toward a common goal of making UTD’s campus a better place for pollinators.

“While we’re in the beehives, we might have a business major [or] a marketing major kind of share their perspective on pollinators with us,” Eve Gersh, co-chair of UTD’s Bee Campus USA committee, said.

Student representatives like biology senior Shreya Billa found their way to the organization through Bee Campus USA’s many options for volunteering; students can get involved in hive inspection and honey collection as well as develop leadership skills and gain a sense of community responsibility.

“This [Bee Campus USA] is curated to students by the students, it’s a perfect opportunity to get involved and see a slower side of life,” Billa said.

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