Rachel Woon


Meal Exchange

Navigating dining options can be tiring — even when you’re required to have a meal plan as a freshman living on campus, finding...


Creativity is for STEM students too

With UTD’s many efforts to expand the arts on campus, now is the perfect time for STEM-oriented students to take on a creative...


Microaesthetics dangerous for young adults, not liberating

The trendy micro aesthetic lifestyles cluttering the internet might seem appealing and harmless, but they are actually obstacles to true individualism. We live...


TikTok banned on Wi-Fi, devices

Chief Information Officers Frank Feagans and Nate Howe informed all Comets via email on Jan. 17 that UTD would block TikTok on devices...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.