Paola Martinez

Life & Arts

73 Questions with your SG executives 

As the newly elected 2024-2025 executive officers of Student Government, president and philosophy-computer science double major Devin Schwartz and vice president and sociology...


Editorial: Investigative journalism at stake — support The Mercury

UPDATE: As of July 22, The Mercury has raised $3,015 — enough to cover the $2,905 fee for reviewing the public records we...


Despite administration’s silence, community supports 21 arrested at ‘Gaza Liberation Plaza’

In a historic first, UTD administration called in law enforcement with riot gear to destroy the “Gaza Liberation Plaza” encampment while arresting 21...


Editorial: Meet the admin

State troopers slammed our own students and faculty into the ground, aiming to destroy not just their encampment but their spirit. The administration’s...

Life & Arts

A diligent drummer’s double life

By day, this computer science student chases the finish line of graduation. By night, he is the mysterious drummer energizing the crowd from...

Life & Arts

‘When L.R. Wept’ admitted into IMPACTE! film festival

The short animated film “When L.R. Wept” by Ahmad Khoshniat, a visual and performing arts Ph.D. student, was accepted into the IMPACTE! Film...

Life & Arts

Deep Vellum expands literary and translation options in North Texas

The smell of coffee welcomes guests into Deep Vellum, a small bookstore where a curated selection of translated books from every corner of...

Life & Arts

Comet Gala: A night among the stars

It’s Friday, and old-timey swing music plays from the speakers as the ATC building resembles a prom night, bustling with students dressed in...


The TikTok ban is good, actually

The House of Representatives passed a bill on March 13 threatening to ban TikTok for cyber security breaches. Although this ban was done...

Life & Arts

‘Small Talk’ highlights graduate storytelling

Wood, wires, rope and projectors, and an array of art materials litter the floor of the SP/N gallery. The disorder in this space...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.