Summer Roundup

Chief, 4 police employees investigated

Following an investigation into the UTD Police Department, the police chief resigned in May and four UTD police employees were put on administrative leave June 5.

UTD Police Chief Colleen Ridge resigned May 11 after being on administrative leave since April 16 during the investigation.

The assistant police chief and an employee on leave were later fired in July.

The investigation covered the mismanagement of state resources and personal uses of the department.

UT System Assistant Director Mike Tacker stepped in as interim chief. Interviews were concluded in August to find a new police chief.

Gov. Perry signs Tier One bill at NSERL

Gov. Rick Perry came to UTD to enact House Bill 51 on June 17, signing legislation that provided means for research universities to receive additional funding.

The bill aims to increase the strength of scientific research at universities and bolster the creation of Tier One institutions, nationally recognized research universities such as UT Austin.

UTD is one of seven emerging research universities in Texas competing for $680 million in possible funding.

Blogging draws all types to WordPress convention

A sea of bloggers flooded UTD the weekend of June 26 to swap ideas about new media at this year’s WordCamp Dallas event.

WordCamp is a community-organized event put together by users of WordPress. The events are a forum for everyone from casual WordPress users to core developers to participate, share ideas and get to know one another.

The event, the second of its kind held in the Dallas area, had 17 speakers on topics ranging from podcasting to making money off blogs.

After hosting last year’s event at the Frisco City Hall council chambers, organizer and UTD alumnus John Pozadzides said UTD’s involvement with the event would help promote its reputation as a leader in technology.

EPPS dean to retire

Brian Berry will be stepping down in 2010 for a new predecessor after four years as dean of the School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences.

The position’s opening was posted on UTD’s Web site on July 8 and closes Dec. 1.

Attacker sought in ECS attack

An attacker assaulted a woman on July 8 in the Engineering and Computer Science South building in the fourth floor restroom.

She escaped the attempted sexual assault and was not injured.

The attacker has not been caught. Police have a sketch of the suspect.

Former Graduate Center prez, VP dies

Gifford Johnson died July 26, having served as president of UTD’s predecessor, Southwest Center for Advanced Studies.

He led the Graduate Research Center of the Southwest from 1965-1969 until it was added into the system as UTD.

The UTD community also gathered June 3 to remember Alexander Clark, vice president for academic affairs from 1974 to 1991. He was responsible for the recruitment of more than 130 faculty members, conducting as many as 550 interviews in 1975. Clark also served as acting president from September 1981 to May 1982.

Dining hall opens

The new dining hall opened with dinner Aug. 12 serving students “all you care to eat.”

The facility is now open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is separated into seven sections: Terra Vé, vegetarian/vegan; The Kitchen, home-style entrees; The Fresh Grille, grilled-to-order items; Fresh Market, soup, salad and ice cream/yogurt bars; Trattoria, brick oven with pizzas, pasta, hot meals; The Bakery, breads and desserts; My Pantry, waffle bar and omelets; and La Posada, Tex-Mex cuisine.

UTD’s first freshman residence hall opens

The freshman-only dormitory opened for move-in on Aug. 12 after beginning construction in April 2008.

The residence hall has a multipurpose room, a classroom, a kitchen and eight study lounges. The courtyard in the center is accessible to everyone.

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