SG Report

Student government rejected a proposal given to it by Dean of Students Gene Fitch to amend the school’s drug and alcohol policy.

The proposed amendment would add notification of parents of students under the age of 21 who are found using drugs or alcohol to the university’s existing list of sanctions. SG invited visitors to ask Fitch questions about the policy during the meeting.

Visitors were also allowed to address their concerns to SG in a separate 15-minute session. During the session, SG faculty advisor Marilyn Kaplan said that the administration has always had the ability to contact parents if students have violated the drug and alcohol policy, the proposal would simply add that information into writing.

After hearing discussion on the proposal, SG took two votes; one on rejecting the proposal and another on forming a drug and alcohol safety ad hoc committee to provide suggestions to Fitch on alternatives to the proposed policy. SG voted against the proposal 20-18 and approved the creation of the ad hoc committee. Sophomore Jake Cruz was named committee chair.

-Legislative affairs committee chair Tim Sullivan said the committee is working on getting a survey out to students on their thoughts about Senate Bill 11, a bill currently being discussed in the Texas legislature that would allow concealed handgun license holders to bring their firearms on campus at state universities.

-Technology Committee chair Charlie Hannigan said they have identified 22 bathrooms that they want to get step and pull door openers for. He said this would cost about $1000. He also said the committee has discussed its proposal to update security cameras around campus with UTD Police chief Larry Zacharias. He said each building currently has its own security camera system, making it difficult to update the current cameras.

-During Residential Student Affairs Committee chair Akshitha Padigela’s committee report, SG president Brooke Knudtson said Loop Road will extend through the community garden. She said the garden will be replaced at a location yet to be decided. She said SG will advocate for the university to reimburse students back for anything destroyed during the construction.

The next SG meeting is Mar. 3 at 5:15 p.m. in the Galaxy Rooms.

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