FLA aims to share solution for Web site woes

Jeff Harrington|Courtesy

Limited time and Webmaster turnover can make it difficult for student organizations to maintain a website and promote themselves successfully, said Jeff Harrington, president of the Financial Leadership Association (FLA).
FLA members wanted an automated system that let members register, pay dues, reference financial market information and track calender events, so in January 2009 they outsourced the coding to a Web development company used by one member’s employer.
The result is a content management system that can be customized with uploaded photos and text,  pulls data from a Google calendar and doesn’t require maintenance. Harrington said he expected the site would compliment OrgSync, the university’s new organization contact hub.
A demonstration for UTD groups and organizations is slated for September, Harrington said, and FLA is available to help groups with site building logistics, including setting up a domain.
FLA may work with the developers to make the site system skinnable, meaning groups could customize the look and feel of their site, but for now, there’s one design that can be viewed at www.flautd.com.
FLA’s first general meeting is 5-7 p.m. in School of Management, Room 1.502 Aug. 31.

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