“Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” delivered a visually stunning, musically intriguing film that left audiences begging for more screentime with beloved characters, both old...
Combining beautiful cinematography, stunning singing, and a colorful cast of characters, Disney’s live action “The Little Mermaid” far exceeds expectations and will enchant...
Spring brings along an assortment of flowers to Texas. UTD is blessed with a great diversity of flora — you can come across...
June marks an important month in the year as it encompasses Pride Month and Juneteenth, both important events that celebrate freedom in different...
From rows of native wildflowers and buzzing bees to small, scurrying mammals and soaring birds, at UTD, nature and students truly coexist. If...
Spring is here, and students are back to using all their creative forms of transportation! With everyone out of hibernation, curiosity got the...
From rocket scientists to NASA pilots, UTD has a history of shooting for the stars. But at only half a century old, many...
If you’re looking for a morning coffee or sweet treat, stop by Staycation Coffee for beverages and bites in a small, cozy neighborhood...
Energetic, passionate and inspirational, NCT DREAM, a Korean pop group, shared advice in a virtual interview with The Mercury for college students pursuing...
As the sun sets on UTD, healthcare freshman Rafah Shaik passes out steaming kabobs and paratas to masses of hungry students eager —...