Campus construction update: projects ongoing 

Surjaditya Sarkar | Mercury Staff





Several roads and pedestrian paths will be closed from the beginning of June 24 to Aug. 16 because of new developments in construction, altering the usual trajectory of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic.  

Major construction projects have been underway since fall 2023 such as the Performance Hall, SOM Phase III and the new Student Success Center, which are expected to finish by early-to-mid fall 2026. The Athenaeum, which began construction in 2022, is expected to be finished toward the end of the summer. The construction of the Performance Hall, including a parking lot, will result in a closed sidewalk alongside University Drive toward the end of next semester and road closures on Armstrong, including the parallel parking spaces reserved for those with green parking passes. The main disturbance for parking is the complete shutdown of Lot Q, and partially Lot M, which will be unavailable for use in late summer, alongside temporary closures of lanes on Loop Road as well as the road itself for transportation of utilities. There will also be closures on Drive G and Bryce Jordan throughout the summer because of the construction of the Student Success Center. 

Pedestrian traffic remains undisturbed by these developments in construction, as the pedestrian crosswalk alongside Armstrong will remain open. The Arts and Humanities Buildings 1-2 and Classroom Buildings 1-3 will be fenced off to be demolished this summer. The most severe obstruction to pedestrian traffic during the summer will be the closure of the perimeter surrounding the lake near the Davidson-Gundy Alumni Center, which reopen by Aug. 16. The Mercury will publish further updates on construction as the year continues.   





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